TOP Gotop
Food & Shopping
Ku Ku Restaurant
The Ku Ku restaurant located in the Sky Plaza offers Chinese and Western dishes. Western dishes such as fried chicken, burgers, French fries and cola are all available. Japanese-style yakiniku rice, chicken drumstick rice and other rice are also available!
Ferries Wheel Restaurant
Located under the Happiness Ferris Wheel, it sells a variety of delicious meals. The signature lobster ramen(noodle) is a delicacy you can’t miss. It is definitely a good place for you to meet delicious food.
The KU COFFEE brand coffee shop in Janfusun Fancyworld provides high-quality specialty coffee, tea and snacks, as well as some pasta, handmade pizza and other delicious meals.
Pirate Restaurant
Themed restaurant built with Viking-style scenes, you can see stacked treasures, wine barrels, and pirates' living utensils and weapons everywhere. Also there are interesting and joyful pictures of sailing on the wall. In order to welcome the guests to the pirate village, Vicky and Mei-shou mom designed a variety of themed dishes that the Vikings treasured!
Maritime Restaurant
The pirate’s favorite iron plate is delicious. Smoke is scattered on the steak. The sauce on the noodles slowly flows down. There is only cream beer that is only sold in the Maritime Restaurant, which makes everyone eat meat and drink happily!
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